CAT Verbal Ability Questions | CAT Fill in the Blanks questions

This Section contains Fill in the Blanks questions that came in CAT. CAT Fill in the Blanks | CAT Past Year VARC Questions. Solve these questions for practise.



CAT/2024.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 1

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Taken outside the village of Trang Bang on June 8, 1972, the picture captured the trauma and indiscriminate violence of a conflict that claimed, by some estimates, a million or more civilian lives.

Paragraph: The horrifying photograph of children fleeing a deadly napalm attack has become a defining image not only of the Vietnam War but the 20th century. ___(1)___. Dark smoke billowing behind them, the young subjects' faces are painted with a mixture of terror, pain and confusion. ___(2)___. Soldiers from the South Vietnamese army's 25th Division follow helplessly behind. ___(3)___. The picture was officially titled "The Terror of War," but the photo is better known by the nickname given to naked 9-year-old at its centre "Napalm Girl". ___(4)___.



CAT/2024.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 2

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Many have had to leave their homes behind, with more than 1.3 million people being displaced due to the drought.

Passage: Somalia has been dealing with an enormous humanitarian catastrophe, driven by the longest and most severe drought the country has experienced in at least 40 years. ___(1)___. Five consecutive rainy seasons have failed, causing more than 8 million people - almost half of the country's population – to experience acute food insecurity. ___(2)___. More than 43,000 people are believed to have lost their lives, with half of the lives lost likely being children under five. The damage the drought has caused is far-reaching. ___(3)___. Farmers have lost all their agricultural income, while pastoralists have lost more than 3 million livestock, impoverishing entire communities, and leaving them on the brink of famine. ___(4)___. Some, like the pastoralists, may never be able to go back as their livelihoods have been irreversibly wiped out.



CAT/2024.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 3

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: This reality is putting stress on employees who have to pay for transport, desk lunches, more childcare, clothing and that after-work socialisation – costs they haven't incurred for nearly two years.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. Prices are rising at their fastest rate in 40 years, consequently, return-to-office-related costs have shot up – think petrol and food, for instance. ___(2)___. Yet wages haven't kept up with inflation – even despite the salary growth many workers have enjoyed during a favourable pandemic labour market. ___(3)___. This is especially jarring for workers who were able to save during remote work, when these expenditures weren't a factor. ___(4)___. In April 2022, Umus, a London university lecturer, told BBC Worklife that they were spending nearly a quarter of what they made every day on return-to-work costs.



CAT/2024.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 4

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: [T]he Europeans did not invent globalization.

Paragraph: The first phase of globalization occurred long before the introduction of either steam or electric power…Chinese consumers at all social levels consumed vast quantities of spices, fragrant woods and unusual plants. The peoples of Southeast Asia who lived in forests gave up their traditional livelihoods and completely reoriented their economies to supply Chinese consumers….___(1)___. These exchanges of the year 1000 opened some of the routes through which goods and peoples continued to travel after Columbus traversed the mid-Atlantic. ___(2)___. Yet the world of 1000 differed from that of 1492 in important ways….the travellers who encountered one another in the year 1000 were much closer technologically. ___(3)___. They changed and augmented what was already there since 1000. ___(4)___. If globalization hadn't yet begun, Europeans wouldn't have been able to penetrate the markets in so many places as quickly as they did after 1492.



CAT/2024.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 5

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Yet each day the flock produced eggs with calcareous shells though they apparently had not ingested any calcium from land which was entirely lacking in limestone.

Paragraph: Early in this century a young Breton schoolboy who preparing himself for a scientific career began to notice a strange fact about hens in his father's poultry yard. ___(1) ___. As they scratched the soil they constantly seemed to be pecking at specks of mica, a siliceous material dotting the ground. ___(2)___. No one could explain to Louis Kervran why the chickens selected the mica, or why each time a bird was killed for the family cooking pot no trace of the mica could be found in its gizzard. ___(3) ___. It took Kervran many years to establish that the chickens were transmuting one element into another. ___(4)___.



CAT/2024.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 6

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Science has officially crowned us superior to our early-rising brethren.

Paragraph: My fellow night owls, grab a strong cup of coffee and gather around: I have great news. ___(1)___. For a long time, our kind has been unfairly maligned. Stereotyped as lazy and undisciplined. Told we ought to be morning larks. Advised to go to bed early so we can wake before 5am and run a marathon before breakfast like all high-flyers seem to do. Now, however, we are having the last laugh. ___(2)___. It may be a tad more complicated than that. A study published last week, which you may have already seen while scrolling at 1am, suggests that staying up late could be good for brain power. ___(3)___. Is this study a thinly veiled PR exercise conducted by a caffeine-pill company? Nope, it's legit. ___(4)___. Research led by academics at Imperial College London studied data on more than 26,000 people and found that "self-declared 'night owls' generally tend to have higher cognitive scores".



CAT/2024.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 7

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: The brain isn't organized the way you might set up your home office or bathroom medicine cabinet.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. You can't just put things anywhere you want to. The evolved architecture of the brain is haphazard and disjointed, and incorporates multiple systems, each of which has a mind of its own. ___(2)___. Evolution doesn't design things and it doesn't build systems—it settles on systems that, historically, conveyed a survival benefit. There is no overarching, grand planner engineering the systems so that they work harmoniously together. ___(3)___. The brain is more like a big, old house with piecemeal renovations done on every floor, and less like new construction. ___(4)___.



CAT/2024.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 8

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Comprehending a wide range of emotions, Renaissance music nevertheless portrayed all emotions in a balanced and moderate fashion.

Paragraph: A volume of translated Italian madrigals were published in London during the year of 1588. This sudden public interest facilitated a surge of English Madrigal writing as well as a spurt of other secular music writing and publication. ___(1)___. This music boom lasted for thirty years and was as much a golden age of music as British literature was with Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I. ___(2)___. The rebirth in both literature and music originated in Italy and migrated to England; the English madrigal became more humorous and lighter in England as compared to Italy. Renaissance music was mostly polyphonic in texture. ___(3)___. Extreme use of and contrasts in dynamics, rhythm, and tone colour do not occur. ___(4)___. The rhythms in Renaissance music tend to have a smooth, soft flow instead of a sharp, well-defined pulse of accents.



CAT/2024.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 9

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Understanding central Asia's role helps developments make more sense not only across Asia but in Europe, the Americas and Africa.

Paragraph: The nations of the Silk Roads are sometimes called 'developing countries', but they are actually some of the world's most highly developed countries, the very crossroads of civilization, in advanced states of disrepair. ___(1)___. These countries lie at the centre of global affairs: they have since the beginning of history. Running across the spine of Asia, they form a web of connections fanning out in every direction, routes along which pilgrims and warriors, nomads and merchants have travelled, goods and produce have been bought and sold, and ideas exchanged, adapted and refined. ___(2)___ .They have carried not only prosperity, but also death and violence, disease and disaster. ___(3)___. The Silk Roads are the world's central nervous system, connecting otherwise far-flung peoples and places…. ___(4)___. It allows us to see patterns and links, causes and effects that remain invisible if one looks only at Europe, or North America.

CAT/2023.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 10

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: For theoretical purposes, arguments may be considered as freestanding entities, abstracted from their contexts of use in actual human activities.

Paragraph : ___(1)___. An argument can be defined as a complex symbolic structure where some parts, known as the premises, offer support to another part, the conclusion. Alternatively, an argument can be viewed as a complex speech act consisting of one or more acts of premising (which assert propositions in favor of the conclusion), an act of concluding, and a stated or implicit marker (“hence”, “therefore”) that indicates that the conclusion follows from the premises.___(2)___. The relation of support between premises and conclusion can be cashed out in different ways: the premises may guarantee the truth of the conclusion, or make its truth more probable; the premises may imply the conclusion; the premises may make the conclusion more acceptable (or assertible).___(3)___. But depending on one’s explanatory goals, there is also much to be gained from considering arguments as they in fact occur in human communicative practices.___(4)___.

CAT/2023.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 11

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Beyond undermining the monopoly of the State on the use of force, armed conflict also creates an environment that can enable organized crime to prosper.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. Linkages between illicit arms, organized crime, and armed conflict can reinforce one another while also escalating and prolonging violence and eroding governance.___(2)___. Financial gains from crime can lengthen or intensify armed conflicts by creating revenue streams for non-State armed groups (NSAGs).___(3)___. In this context, when hostilities cease and parties to a conflict move towards a peaceful resolution, the widespread availability of surplus arms and ammunition can contribute to a situation of ‘criminalized peace’ that obstructs sustainable peacebuilding efforts.___(4)___.

CAT/2023.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 12

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Dualism was long held as the defining feature of developing countries in contrast to developed countries, where frontier technologies and high productivity were assumed to prevail.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. At the core of development economics lies the idea of ‘productive dualism’: that poor countries’ economies are split between a narrow ‘modern’ sector that uses advanced technologies and a larger ‘traditional’ sector characterized by very low productivity.___(2)___. While this distinction between developing and advanced economies may have made some sense in the 1950s and 1960s, it no longer appears to be very relevant. A combination of forces have produced a widening gap between the winners and those left behind.___(3)___. Convergence between poor and rich parts of the economy was arrested and regional disparities widened.___(4)___. As a result, policymakers in advanced economies are now grappling with the same questions that have long preoccupied developing economies: mainly how to close the gap with the more advanced parts of the economy.

CAT/2023.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 13

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: And probably much earlier, moving the documentation for kissing back 1,000 years compared to what was acknowledged in the scientific community.

Paragraph: Research has hypothesised that the earliest evidence of human lip kissing originated in a very specific geographical location in South Asia 3,500 years ago.___(1)___. From there it may have spread to other regions, simultaneously accelerating the spread of the herpes simplex virus 1. According to Dr Troels Pank Arbøll and Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen, who in a new article in the journal Science draw on a range of written sources from the earliest Mesopotamian societies, kissing was already a well-established practice 4,500 years ago in the Middle East.___(2)___. In ancient Mesopotamia, people wrote in cuneiform script on clay tablets.___(3)___. Many thousands of these clay tablets have survived to this day, and they contain clear examples that kissing was considered a part of romantic intimacy in ancient times.___(4)___. “Kissing could also have been part of friendships and family members' relations," says Dr Troels Pank Arbøll, an expert on the history of medicine in Mesopotamia.

CAT/2023.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 14

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: The discovery helps to explain archeological similarities between the Paleolithic peoples of China, Japan, and the Americas. Paragraph: The researchers also uncovered an unexpected genetic link between Native Americans and Japanese people. ___(1)___. During the deglaciation period, another group branched out from northern coastal China and travelled to Japan. ___(2)___. "We were surprised to find that this ancestral source also contributed to the Japanese gene pool, especially the indigenous Ainus," says Li. ___(3)___. They shared similarities in how they crafted stemmed projectile points for arrowheads and spears. ___(4)___. "This suggests that the Pleistocene connection among the Americas, China, and Japan was not confined to culture but also to genetics," says senior author Qing-Peng Kong, an evolutionary geneticist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

CAT/2023.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 15

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: This philosophical cut at one’s core beliefs, values, and way of life is difficult enough.

Paragraph: The experience of reading philosophy is often disquieting. When reading philosophy, the values around which one has heretofore organised one’s life may come to look provincial, flatly wrong, or even evil. ___(1)___. When beliefs previously held as truths are rendered implausible, new beliefs, values, and ways of living may be required. ___(2)___. What’s worse, philosophers admonish each other to remain unsutured until such time as a defensible new answer is revealed or constructed. Sometimes philosophical writing is even strictly critical in that it does not even attempt to provide an alternative after tearing down a cultural or conceptual citadel. ___(3)___. The reader of philosophy must be prepared for the possibility of this experience. While reading philosophy can help one clarify one’s values, and even make one self-conscious for the first time of the fact that there are good reasons for believing what one believes, it can also generate unremediated doubt that is difficult to live with. ___(4)___.

CAT/2022.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 16

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: When people socially learn from each other, they often learn without understanding why what they’re copying—the beliefs and behaviours and technologies and know-how—works.

Paragraph: ___(1)___. The dual-inheritance theory ….says....that inheritance is itself an evolutionary system. It has variation. What makes us a new kind of animal, and so different and successful as a species, is we rely heavily on social learning, to the point where socially acquired information is effectively a second line of inheritance, the first being our genes…. ___(2)___. People tend to home in on who seems to be the smartest or most successful person around, as well as what everybody seems to be doing—the majority of people have something worth learning. ___(3)___. When you repeat this process over time, you can get, around the world, cultural packages—beliefs or behaviours or technology or other solutions —that are adapted to the local conditions. People have different psychologies, effectively.___(4)___

CAT/2022.3(Verbal Ability)

Question. 17

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: This has meant a lot of uncertainty around what a wide-scale return to office might look like in practice.

Paragraph: Bringing workers back to their desks has been a rocky road for employers and employees alike. The evolution of the pandemic has meant that best laid plans have often not materialised. ___(1)___ The flow of workers back into offices has been more of a trickle than a steady stream. ___(2)___ Yet while plenty of companies are still working through their new policies, some employees across the globe are now back at their desks, whether on a full-time or hybrid basis. ___(3)___ That means we’re beginning to get some clarity on what return-to-office means – what’s working, as well as what has yet to be settled. ___(4)___

CAT/2022.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 18

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.


Sentence: Most were first-time users of a tablet and a digital app.

Paragraph: Aage Badhein’s USP lies in the ethnographic research that constituted the foundation of its development process. Customizations based on learning directly from potential users were critical to making this self-paced app suitable for both a literate and non-literate audience. ___(1)___ The user interface caters to a Hindispeaking audience who have minimal to no experience with digital services and devices. ___(2)___ The content and functionality of the app are suitable for a wide audience. This includes youth preparing for an independent role in life or a student ready to create a strong foundation of financial management early in her life. ___(3)___ Household members desirous of improving their family’s financial strength to reach their aspirations can also benefit. We piloted Aage Badhein in early 2021 with over 400 women from rural areas. ___(4)___ The digital solution generated a large amount of interest in the communities.

CAT/2022.2(Verbal Ability)

Question. 19

 There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.


Sentence: This was years in the making but fast-tracked during the pandemic, when "people started being more mindful about their food", he explained.

Paragraph: For millennia, ghee has been a venerated staple of the subcontinental diet, but it fell out of favour a few decades ago when saturated fats were largely considered to be unhealthy. ___(1)___ But more recently, as the thinking around saturated fats is shifting globally, Indians are finding their own way back to this ingredient that is so integral to their cuisine. ___(2)___ For Karmakar, a renewed interest in ghee is emblematic of a return-to-basics movement in India. ___(3)___ This movement is also part of an overall trend towards "slow food". In keeping with the movement's philosophy, ghee can be produced locally (even at home) and has inextricable cultural ties. ___(4)___ At a basic level, ghee is a type of clarified butter believed to have originated in India as a way to preserve butter from going rancid in the hot climate

CAT/2022.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 20

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Easing the anxiety and pressure of having a “big day” is part of the appeal for many couples who marry in secret.


Paragraph: Wedding season is upon us and – after two years of Covid chaos that saw nuptials scaled back– you may think the temptation would be to go all out. ___(1)___. But instead of expanding the guest list, many couples are opting to have entirely secret ceremonies. With Covid case numbers remaining high and the cost of living crisis meaning that many couples are feeling the pinch, it’s no wonder that some are less than eager to send out invites. ___(2)___. Plus, it can’t hurt that in celebrity circles getting married in secret is all the rage. ___(3)___. “I would definitely say that secret weddings are becoming more common,” says Landis Bejar, the founder of a therapy practice, which specialises in helping brides and grooms manage wedding stress. “People are looking for ways to get out of the spotlight and avoid the pomp and circumstance of weddings. ___(4)___. They just want to get to the part where they are married.”

CAT/2022.1(Verbal Ability)

Question. 21

There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide in which blank (option 1, 2, 3, or 4) the following sentence would best fit.

Sentence: Having made citizens more and less knowledgeable than their predecessors, the Internet has proved to be both a blessing and a curse.


Paragraph: Never before has a population, nearly all of whom has enjoyed at a least a secondary school education, been exposed to so much information, whether in newspapers and magazines or through YouTube, Google, and Facebook. ___(1)___. Yet it is not clear that people today are more knowledgeable than their barely literate predecessors. Contemporary advances in technology offered more serious and inquisitive students access to realms of knowledge previously unimaginable and unavailable. ___(2)___. But such readily available knowledge leads many more students away from serious study, the reading of actual texts, and toward an inability to write effectively and grammatically. ___(3)___. It has let people choose sources that reinforce their opinions rather than encouraging them to question inherited beliefs. ___(4)___.

CAT/2008(Verbal Ability)

Question. 22

Directions for Question : The following question has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each question are five pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

The genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda, apart from being mis-described in the most sinister and _________ manner as 'ethnic cleansing', were also blamed, in further hand- ashing rhetoric, on something dark and interior to __________ and perpetrators alike. 

CAT/2008(Verbal Ability)

Question. 23

Directions for Question : The following question has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each question are five pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

As navigators, calendar makers, and other _________ of the night sky accumulated evidence to the contrary, ancient astronomers were forced to __________ that certain bodies might move in circles about points, which in turn moved in circles about the earth. 

CAT/2008(Verbal Ability)

Question. 24

Directions for Question : The following question has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each question are five pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his __________ endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of environment, including _________. 

CAT/2008(Verbal Ability)

Question. 25

Directions for Question : The following question has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each question are five pairs of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

Exhaustion of natural resources, destruction of individual initiative by governments, control over men's minds by central _________ of education and propaganda are some of the major evils which appear to be on the increase as a result of the impact of science upon minds suited by ___________ to an earlier kind of world. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 26

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Companies that try to improve employees’ performance by ___________ rewards encourage negative kind of behavior instead of ___________ a genuine interest in doing the work well. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 27

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

A growing number of these expert professionals ___________ having to train foreigners as the students end up ___________ the teachers who have to then unhappily contend with no jobs at all or new jobs with drastically reduced pay packets. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 28

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The___________ regions of Spain all have unique cultures, but the ___________ views within each region make the issue of an acceptable common language of instruction an even more contentious one. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 29

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Early___________ of maladjustment to college culture is ___________ by the tendency to develop friendship networks outside college which mask signals of maladjustment. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 30

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The British retailer, M&S, today formally ___________ defeat in its attempt to ___________ King’s, its US subsidiary, since no potential purchasers were ready to cough up the necessary cash. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 31

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

This simplified ___________ to the decision-making process is a must read for anyone ___________ important real estate, personal, or professional decisions. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 32

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Physicians may soon have ___________ to help paralyzed people move their limbs by bypassing the ___________ nerves that once controlled their muscles. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 33

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The Internet is a medium where users have nearly ___________ choices and ___________ constraints about where to go and what to do. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 34

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The best punctuation is that of which the reader is least conscious; for when punctuation, or lack of it, ___________ itself, it is usually because it ___________. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 35

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The argument that the need for a looser fiscal policy to ___________ demand outweighs the need to ___________ budget deficits is persuasive. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 36

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The Athenians on the whole were peaceful and prosperous; they had ___________ to sit at home and think about the universe and dispute with Socrates, or to travel abroad and ___________ the world. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 37

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Their achievement in the field of literature is described as ___________; sometimes it is even called ___________. 

CAT/2003(Verbal Ability)

Question. 38

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

From the time she had put her hair up, every man she had met had groveled before her and she had acquired a mental attitude toward the other sex which was a blend of ___________ and ___________. 

CAT/2001(Verbal Ability)

Question. 39

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

But ___________ are now regularly written not just for tools, but well - established practices, organisations and institutions, not all of which seem to be ___________ away. 

CAT/2001(Verbal Ability)

Question. 40

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The Darwin who ___________ is most remarkable for the way in which he ___________ the attributes of the world class thinker and head of the household. 

CAT/2001(Verbal Ability)

Question. 41

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Since her face was free of ___________ there was no way to ___________ if she appreciated what had happened. 

CAT/2001(Verbal Ability)

Question. 42

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

In this context, the ___________ of the British labour movement is particularly ___________. 

CAT/2001(Verbal Ability)

Question. 43

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Indian intellectuals may boast, if they are so inclined, of being ___________ to the most elitist among the intellectual ___________ of the world. 

CAT/2000(Verbal Ability)

Question. 44

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Though one eye is kept firmly on the___________, the company now also promotes ___________ contemporary art. 

CAT/2000(Verbal Ability)

Question. 45

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The law prohibits a person from felling a sandalwood tree, even if it grows on one’s own land, without prior permission from the government. As poor people cannot deal with the government this legal provision leads to a rip-roaring business for ___________, who care neither for the ___________ , nor for the trees. 

CAT/2000(Verbal Ability)

Question. 46

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

It will take some time for many South Koreans to ___________ the conflicting images of North Korea, let alone to___________ what to make of their northern cousins. 

CAT/2000(Verbal Ability)

Question. 47

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

In these bleak and depressing times of ___________ prices, non-performing governments and ___________ crime rates, Sourav Ganguly has given us, Indians, a lot to cheer about. 

CAT/2000(Verbal Ability)

Question. 48

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The manners and ___________ of the nouveau riche is a recurrent ___________ in the literature. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 49

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Football evokes a ___________ response in India compared to cricket, the almost ___________ the nation. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 50

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Social studies, science matters of health and safety, the very atmosphere of the classroom - these areas are few of the ___________ for the ___________ of proper emotional reactions. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 51

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

When children become more experienced with words as visual symbols, they find that they can gain meaning without making ___________ sounds. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 52

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Learning is more efficient when it is ___________, less efficient when it is ___________. 


CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 53

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

To a greater or lesser degree all the civilized countries of the world are made up of a small class of rulers, ___________ , and of a large class of subjects, ___________. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 54

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Simple arithmetic tells us that there is more ___________ than ___________ . 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 55

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

As a step towards protesting against the spiralling prices, the farmers have decided to stage a picket in an effort to ___________.

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 56

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Science is a sort of news agency comparable ___________ to other news agencies. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 57

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Most political leaders acquire their position by causing a large number of people to believe that these leaders are ___________ by altruistic desires. 

CAT/1998(Verbal Ability)

Question. 58

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Every one will admit that swindling one’s fellow beings is a necessary practice; upon it, is based really sound commercial success ___________. 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 59

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

An act of justice closes the book on a misdeed; an act of vengeance ___________ . 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 60

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

This is about ___________ a sociological analysis can penetrate. 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 61

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

I am always the first to admit that I have not accomplished everything that I ___________ achieve five years ago. 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 62

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

This is not the first time that the management has done some ___________ . 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 63

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

In India the talent is prodigious, really, and it increases ___________ .

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 64

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The present Constitution will see ___________ amendments but its basic structure will survive. 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 65

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Taking risks, breaking the rules, and being a maverick have always been important for companies, but, today, they are ___________ . 

CAT/1997(Verbal Ability)

Question. 66

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Education is central because electronic networks and software-driven technologies are beginning to ___________ the economic barriers between nations. 

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 67

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

I am an entertainer, ___________ , I have to keep smiling because in my heart laughter and sorrow have an affinity. 

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 68

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

Political power is just as permanent as today’s newspaper. Ten years down the line, ___________, who the most powerful man in any state was today. 

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 69

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

When we call others dogmatic, what we really object to is ___________ . 

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 70

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

Although it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, ___________ refuse to go away from the

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 71

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

___________, the more they remain the same. 

CAT/1996(Verbal Ability)

Question. 72

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap.

The stock markets ___________. The state they are in right now speaks volumes about this fact. 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 73

Directions for Question : Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.

A. Professional studies has become the ___________ of the rich. 
B. Every citizen has the ___________ to speak, travel and live as he pleases.
C. He has a definite ___________ over all his rivals.
D. Sheron no longer has the ___________ of the company’s bungalow and car.

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 74

Directions for Question : Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.

A. People sensed ___________ .
B. A bad ___________ case had come in - a person with a smashed arm.
C. And then, without warning, ___________ struck.
D. The dogs were the first to recognize the signs of oncoming ___________ .

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 75

Directions for Question : Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.

A. The men there have fought ___________ and emotional withdrawal, and were more capable of helping Jim 
B. But ___________ does occasionally inflict all the adults.
C. A person who is deeply hurt feels very ___________ .
D. It is hard to survive this feeling of ___________ .

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 76

Directions for Question : Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.

A. I have had a small power of ___________ . 
B. Down with a very high fever, he suffers from frequents fits of ___________ .
C. They are now bitter enemies - all because of a small ___________ .
D. Her ___________ is the most creative thing she has ever possessed.


CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 77

Directions for Question : Four statements with blanks have been given. These statements are followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which fits into the set of statements the maximum number of times.

A. Communism states that every individual must live for the ___________ . (1994)
B. The ___________ of the affairs of the nation is deplorable.
C. ___________ have been laid down by the United States : states The Statesman.
D. No ___________ has succeeded in gaining complete autonomy from the Federal government.

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 78

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

One dark night a Darvesh ___________ passing by a dry well. 


CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 79

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

Nordisk have recently ___________ a product called Glucometer. 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 80

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

I had already published a novel and it was an unexpected success. I thought my ___________ . 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 81

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

The neighbour grabbed the boy, and rolled him on the road to ___________ the flames. 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 82

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

Sam asked me to keep this secret ___________ . 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 83

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

Sometimes the greatest inventions ___________ an idea of startling simplicity. 

CAT/1994(Verbal Ability)

Question. 84

Directions for Question : In the following question, a part / two of a sentence has been left blank. You are to select from among the four options given below the question, the one which would best fill the blanks. In case of more than one blanks, the first word in the pair, given in the choices, should fill the first gap. 

Real friends, genuinely wanting the best for the organization, ___________ different garbs.