CAT DILR Questions | CAT Line Chart & Bar Chart questions


Directions for Questions: These questions are based on the information and graph given below

The following graph gives the data of four of the commodities produced by a company. Manufacturing constitutes 20% Mining 15%, Electricity 10% and Chemicals 15% of its production. The graph gives the percentage change in production over the previous years’s production and 1989 production values have been assigned an index of 100 for each of the four commodities.


Question . 143

It is known that the index of total industrial production in 1994 was 50% more than in 1989. Then, the percentage increase in production between 1989 and 1994 in sectors other than the four listed above is :

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Method of solving this CAT DILR Question from Line Chart & Bar Chart question

(b) Since the index of total industrial production in 1994 is 50 percent more than in 1989, it becomes 150.

Total weightage for manufacturing, mining and quarrying, electrical and chemical in 1994 is approximately 75.57. So

Production of other sectors = 150 – 75.57 = 74.43.

In 1989, it was 100 – 60 = 40.