CAT Quantitative Ability Questions | CAT Averages, Ratio & Proportion questions

FundaMakers has brought to you a FREE & SIGN-UP Proof CAT Question Bank containing 4000+ CAT previous year questions. The below questions is from Averages, Ratio and Proportion Topic that comes in the Quantitative Aptitude Section of the CAT Exam.

Every Year 2-3 questions are asked from Averages, Ratio & Proportion in the CAT Exams. So,, make sure to solve these CAT past year arithmetic questions.


Question . 85

There are 60 students in a class. These students are divided into three groups A, B and C of 15, 20 and 25 students each. The groups A and C are combined to form group D.

 If one student from Group A is shifted to group B, which of the following will be true?

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Method of solving this CAT Quantitative Ability Question from Averages, Ratio & Proportion question

(c) If one student from group A is shifted to group B, still there is no effect on the whole class. In any case, the no. of students inside the class is same. Hence the average weight of the class remains same