CAT DILR Questions | CAT Line Chart & Bar Chart questions


Directions for Questions: These questions are based on the information and graph given below

Ghosh Babu has a manufacturing unit. The following graph gives the cost for various number of units. Given the Profit = Revenue - Variable Cost - Fixed Cost. The fixed cost remains constant upto 34 units after which additional investment is to be done in fixed assets. In any case production can not exceed 50 units.


Question . 132

What is the minimum number of units that need to be produced to make sure that there was no loss?

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Method of solving this CAT DILR Question from Line Chart & Bar Chart question

Profit = Revenue – variable cost – fixed cost

Fixed cost remains constant upto 34 units after which additional investment is to be done in fixed assets. Maximum production = 50 units.

(b) For no loss

Revenue = variable cost + Fixed cost and we can see from the graph that when production is equal to 10 units. Revenue = variable cost + Fixed cost and before this point there are losses and after this point, there are profits. Hence minimum number of units that must be produced to make sure that there are no losses is 10. At 10 units, Profit = 200 – 130 – 70 = 0.