CAT Verbal Ability Questions | CAT Paragraph Completion questions

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FundaMakers as a team has taken a step to bring you all the solutions to the Paragraph Completion Questions asked in the Previous Year CAT exam. CAT question bank offered by FundaMakers is a power-packed topic-wise compilation of the entire CAT previous year questions. Questions from the paragraph completion topic are some of the most scoring questions in the VARC section. To maximize your CAT score make use of FundaMakers CAT Question BankQuestions from CAT previous years examination papers have been incorporated. Let’s get started with CAT Past Year Questions.


Directions for Questions : Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted.

From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.


Question . 8

Nevertheless, photographs still retain some of the magical allure that the earliest daguerreotypes inspired. As objects, our photographs have changed; they have become physically flimsier as they have become more technologically sophisticated. Daguerre produced pictures on copper plates: today many of our photographs never become tangible things, but instead remain filed away on computers and cameras, part of the digital ether that envelops the modern world. At the same time, our patience for the creation of images has also eroded. Children today are used to being tracked from birth by digital cameras and video recorders and they expect to see the results of their poses and performances instantly. The space between life as it is being lived and life as it is being displayed shrinks to a mere second.


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5 Must- NOT-Dos during CAT Preparation.

  • Do not treat CAT as 'Everything'.
  • Do not quit your job for CAT exam preparation.
  • Learning till The Eleventh hour instead of doing proper revision.
  • Not checking the syllabus thoroughly.
  • Piling up multiple books.

Click To Read:- Common mistakes made by CAT aspirants during preparation.

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