CAT Quantitative Ability Questions | CAT Algebra questions


Question . 178

There are fifty integers a1 , a2 , ....... a50, not all of them necessarily different. Let the greatest integer of these fifty integers be referred to as G, and the smallest integer be referred to as L. The integers a1 through a24 form sequence S1, and the rest form sequence S2. Each member of S1 is less than or equal to each member of S2.

Every element of S1 is made greater than or equal to every element of S2 by adding to each element of S1an integer x.Then x cannot be less than

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Method of solving this CAT Quantitative Ability Question from Algebra question

S1 = a1 , a2 , ..........a24 S2 = a25................a50 And we also know that L which is the least number has to be in S1 and G which is the greatest number must be in S2

(b) x must be equal to the greatest difference in the value of members of S1 and S2