CAT Verbal Ability Questions | CAT Para Jumbles questions


Question . 150

DIRECTIONS FOR QUESTIONS: Arrange sentences A, B, C, and D between sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence of the six sentences.

1. It doesn’t take a highly esteemed medical expert to conclude that women handle pain better than men.

A. First the men would give birth, and then take six months to recover.

B. As for labour pains, the human species would become extinct if men had to give birth.

C. They do, however, make life hell for everyone else with their non-stop complaining about how bad they feel.

D. The men in my life, including my husband and my father, would not take a Tylenol for pain if their lives depended on it.

6. And by the time they finish sharing their excruciating experience with their buddies, all reproduction would come to a halt. 

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Method of solving this CAT Verbal Ability Question from Para Jumbles question

(b) Taking all four sentences into consideration 1 will be followed by D and then by CBA which is the only logical sequence that has a meaning.