CAT DILR Questions | CAT Data Sufficiency questions
Directions for Questions: These questions are based on the information given below.
Mark (a), if the question can be answered with the help of statement 1 alone,
Mark (b), if the question can be answered with the help of any one statement independently,
Mark (c), if the question can be answered with the help of both statements together,
Mark (d), if the question cannot be answered even with the hlep of both statements together.
Question . 88
Three friends, P, Q and R are wearing hats, either black or white. Each person can see the hats of the other two persons. What is the colour of P’s hat?
I. P says that he can see one black hat and one white hat
II. Q says that he can see one white hat and one black hat
Explanatory Answer
Method of solving this CAT DILR Question from Data Sufficiency question
(d) Say Q is wearing Black hat
So R is wearing White
and P is wearing Black
if Q → white
R → Black
P → white
so using the two given statements, we can not comment regarding the colour of hat.