CAT Verbal Ability Questions | CAT Para Jumbles questions
Question . 154
DIRECTIONS FOR QUESTIONS: Arrange sentences A, B, C, and D between sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence of the six sentences.
1. Hiss was serving as head of the Endowment on Aug 3, 1948, when Whittaker Chambers reluctantly appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee.
A. Chambers, a portly rumpled man with a melodramatic style, had been a Communist courier but had broken with the party in 1938.
B. When Nixon, arranged a meeting of the two men in New York, Chambers repeated his charges and Hiss his denials.
C. Summoned as a witness, Hiss denied he had ever been a Communist or had known Chambers.
D. He told the Committee that among the members of a secret Communist cell in Washington during the 30s was Hiss.
6. Then, bizarrely, Hiss asked Chambers to open his mouth.
Explanatory Answer
Method of solving this CAT Verbal Ability Question from Para Jumbles question
(c) The logical sequence ADCB comes across as a correct one because in sentence A, a description has been given about chambers which is directly linked to sentence number 1. Sentence D follows, as it is about what he told the committee. This is followed by C and then B which is the most logical sentence which joins together with sentence number 6 as in this both Hiss and Chambers were together before Nixon.